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 Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol

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Number of posts : 78
Age : 36
Location : Texas, USA
Titles : Chaotic Complex
Registration date : 2008-05-23

Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol Empty
PostSubject: Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol   Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol EmptyWed Jul 02, 2008 2:07 am

But i'm gonna rest from RO for awhile, went through alot, plus some things irl calling to my attention that I would need to deal with, anyways, so ya, I wont be playing any RO for a while, maybe hso , but just alittle Razz.

But in anyways, when i'm free and all, i'll join with you guys in destina (plus once i figure out how to get it working =_=) lool.

anyways, wish you all the best of luck in the new server!

GO TEAM ELEMENT! >Very Happy cheers

I'll make sure to keep in touch in the forums still and dont worry, i'll post my pics up soon <3
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Number of posts : 39
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-06-05

Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol   Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol EmptyWed Jul 02, 2008 1:26 pm

cheers Woot go Team Element cheers

aww sad to hear u wont be joining us soon but its cool we will be here when u do join <3 Join soonish tho cuz we gonna miss u <3

there a full client thing u can download now so should be easy =D

PUT YOUR PIC !!!!!!! Razz Razz Razz
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Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2008-05-23

Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol   Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol EmptyThu Jul 03, 2008 6:24 pm

Hi Bas still waiting for you so don't worry when you get that sorted out we will be here an able to help you we are getting strong "long live the smelly cats!!!" cat
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Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol   Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol Empty

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Ok I know this might sound dramatic..or not..lol
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